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North Herts Community Safety Partnership

The North Herts Community Safety Partnership (NHCSP) comprises organisations who work together to reduce crime and disorder in North Herts.

The responsible authorities of NHCSP are: North Herts Council, Hertfordshire Constabulary, Hertfordshire Probation Trust, Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service, Hertfordshire County Council, NHS and East and North Herts Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).

The NHCSP structure consists of strategic, tactical and local working groups, all working together to address local priorities.


A meeting in public is held annually.

Responsible Authorities Group (RAG)

This is the strategic steering group and is attended by senior representatives from each responsible authority. The RAG sets the strategic direction of the NHCSP and monitors performance.

You can find out more about its roles and responsibilities in the Terms of Reference below.

RAG Terms of Reference

Joint Action Group (JAG)

This is the tactical operational arm of the NHCSP and works collectively to address crime and disorder and community safety issues that require a multi-agency response.

The group includes representation from a wide range of stakeholders including North Herts Council, Police, Fire & Rescue and Registered Social Landlords. The JAG is responsible for the delivery of a Community Safety Action Plan.

Annual strategic assessment

The aim of the NHCSP annual strategic assessment is to identify current crime and disorder issues and to describe emerging trends, to inform the annual revision of the Community Safety Action Plan.

The key findings from the latest annual strategic assessment is that overall reported crime in North Herts has reduced compared to last year, with no areas in the district experiencing severe or longstanding crime and disorder problems. NHCSP is a high performing Community Safety Partnership and North Herts remains a low crime area with one of the lowest crime figures in Herts.

For 2024/25 the agreed priorities following the public consultation were:

  • ASB
  • Theft from property
  • Environmental crime.

Community Safety Action Plan

The Community Safety Action Plan is an annual partnership plan which includes activities that address the strategic priorities identified in the Annual Strategic Assessment. The plan identifies projects and resources to address priority areas such as crime trends and public perceptions regarding fear of crime.

Domestic Homicide reviews

The link below provides information about domestic homicide reviews (DHR):

Domestic homicide reviews (

The further three links provide details of a DHR in North Herts: