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Hill End Chalk Pit

Hill End Chalk Pit is a small, disused chalk pit located 3km to the west of Stevenage.

The B651 road passes the site; on the opposite side of the road is a car park that serves both the chalk pit and the adjacent Hitch Wood.

The area owned by North Herts Council contains the disused pit, a small area of chalk grassland and associated scrub, with mature woodland around the peripheries.

Hill End Chalk Pit is Registered Common Land and a Local Wildlife Site due to its chalk grassland habitat. 

Greenspace Action Plan Engagement 2023-2028

A new five-year action plan has been produced for Hill End Chalk Pit. This action plan has been inserted as an additional Appendix to Hill End Chalk Pit Greenspace Action Plan (GAP) 2018-23.


Hill End Chalk Pit
Hitchwood Lane
United Kingdom