Hertfordshire Growth Board
Hertfordshire Growth Board is the way the county is now working together to manage growth. With the Hertfordshire population expected to rise by up to 175,000 by 2031, at least 100,000 new homes and jobs will need to be created over the same period. This brings opportunities and challenges. Hertfordshire Growth Board is ready to respond.
Hertfordshire Growth Board is made up of the County Council, the 10 district and borough councils and Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership. Working together is how we continue our ‘joint’ success and create opportunities for everyone, now and in the future. This joint committee was set up in late 2020.
View the Terms of Reference on the Hertfordshire Growth Board website.
Together we are committed to working together to deliver an ambitious growth agenda to support a thriving economy, with affordable housing, a sustainable transport network, excellent schools and healthcare facilities.
Hertfordshire Leaders Group
This forum is made up of the Leaders of the ten districts and boroughs, along with the Leader of the County Council. The Police and Crime Commissioner for Hertfordshire also sits on this group. It meets approximately six to eight times per year with the Chairmanship rotating each year. Its purpose is to consider strategic issues that affect Hertfordshire and foster good working relationships between the organisations.
Chief Executive Co-ordinating Group
There are a wide range of networks that operate across the county that bring together officers from the county council and the district/boroughs. Most notable of these is the Chief Executives Co-ordinating Group whose membership comprises the Chief Executives of all Hertfordshire’s local authorities as well as police and health representatives. The group meets weekly, to discuss both strategic and operational matters.
North Herts Community Safety Partnership (NHCSP)
The North Herts Community Safety Partnership (NHCSP) comprises organisations who work together to reduce crime and disorder in North Herts.
The responsible authorities of NHCSP are: North Herts Council, Hertfordshire Constabulary, Hertfordshire Probation Trust, Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service, Hertfordshire County Council, NHS and East and North Herts Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).
The NHCSP structure consists of strategic, tactical and local working groups, all working together to address local priorities.
For more information and the Terms of Reference, see North Herts Community Safety Partnership.
Hertfordshire Climate Change and Sustainability Partnership (HCCSP)
North Herts Council is a partner of Hertfordshire Climate Change and Sustainability Partnership, a strategic group which acts as the lead partnership organisation for local authorities and the LEP to collaborate and identify joint work programmes on environmental, climate change and wider sustainability issues.
Working in partnership with other district and borough councils, the county council and the Local Enterprise Partnership, HCCSP works to coordinate action across the county across six themes:
- adaptation
- behaviour change
- biodiversity
- carbon reduction
- transport
- water
Coordinated actions include supporting and progressing aligned activity across procurement, planning, comms, licensing, parks and contract management departments.
For more information on the priorities and action plans, visit Hertfordshire Climate Change and Sustainability Partnership.