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Baldock carers to benefit from wellbeing therapy

Nova Wellness group session

A wellbeing group has been awarded £2,000* following a meeting of the Baldock Committee on 31 October.

Nova Wellness provides holistic therapies and treatments to improve people’s wellbeing, including acupuncture, reflexology, reiki and trauma/tension release therapy on an individual basis, and guided relaxation, yoga, meditation, and trauma and tension release exercise on a group basis. The grant will fund wellbeing therapy sessions for unpaid carers based in Baldock.

The group already received funding from the Baldock Committee to provide similar sessions in March 2022, and following their success, applied to provide more. Typically, beneficiaries will be a primary carer for a member of their family and the sessions will give them quality time out to themselves.

Nova Wellness was also recently successful in being awarded £1,500 from Letchworth Committee for wellbeing therapy sessions in Letchworth, prioritising those referred by local community organisations such as unpaid carers.

Agata Kisicka at Nova Wellness said: “Unpaid carers provide a huge service to the community saving the NHS millions of pounds each year. The sessions will really help to give unpaid carers some respite and recharge their batteries.”

*subject to completion of the necessary formalities

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