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Council grant funding benefits district wide good causes in North Hertfordshire

North Herts African Caribbean Community members

PR Date: Monday, 26 October 2020 - 9:30am

Three community projects in North Herts have received over £8,000 of grant funding from North Hertfordshire District Council (NHDC) to help with their work.

Garden House Hospice Care received £2,247 for its ‘Lights of Life’ project. Lights of Life is an annual remembrance event at the start of the festive season, where relatives and friends who have lost loved ones, are offered an opportunity to celebrate and remember them and write a dedication on a star that is displayed within the hospice grounds. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, there will also be a live online service broadcast via Facebook and pre bookable garden open evenings, to light a candle in memory of lost loved ones. Garden House Hospice Care works across North Hertfordshire providing compassionate palliative end of life care for those in need, following a diagnosis of a life limiting illness.

Jayne Dingemans, Director of Patient Services at Garden House Hospice said, “After what has been a difficult year for many, giving our community the chance to reflect and remember their loved ones seems more important than ever. With thanks to North Herts District Council’s generous grant towards our Lights of Life appeal, we can bring people together at a time it matters most. 

“As a charity, we rely on the support of local organisations to keep us caring for years to come. This kind gift from NHDC will not only help us to deliver an extra special Lights of Life but will make a massive difference to the end of life care for local people."

Imajica Theatre Company received £2,000 to stage an online pantomime. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, this year their popular North Herts annual pantomime, which usually gives 400 complementary tickets to families on low incomes, is unable to be staged as normal. The grant funding will enable them to digitally record their ‘live’ performance which can then be shared with community groups and local organisations, bringing Christmas cheer to viewers.

North Herts African Caribbean Community received £4,000 to help celebrate Black History in the district, staging a number of events and activities. These include:

  • A creative writing workshop with an emphasis on mental health
  • A showcase evening for local Spoken Word artists and musicians
  • An exhibition at North Hertfordshire Museum based on the origins of movement of black people
  • A ‘Black Britons Trail’ through Hitchin town centre in partnership with Hitchin BID
  • A black hair workshop and positivity event aimed at promoting acceptance and understanding of afro hair
  • A Dragons Den style business mentoring event

North Herts African Caribbean Community is a not for profit organisation with the aim of bringing together various community associations, groups and individuals to provide opportunities that support the health, cultural, spiritual and business needs of the BAME community in North Herts.  

Kava Johnson, Treasurer at North Herts African Caribbean Community said, “We have been overjoyed to be supported by North Herts District Council through grant funding. We have used the funding to facilitate a series of online workshops to celebrate and educate on Black History and culture while keeping our participants safe. So far, we have hosted a series of online Creative Writing workshops and online afro and mixed haircare workshops, further events to be hosted throughout the next year.”

Cllr Judi Billing, NHDC’s Executive Member for Community Engagement said, “We are very pleased to give this grant funding to organisations that will make a real difference to those that they reach out to. Such different projects, each brings a mix of hope, inspiration, comfort and a way forward for our communities and we wish them every success for the future.”

District Wide Community Grants are awarded to volunteer led or not-for-profit groups that benefit residents across the district of North Hertfordshire. Applications are considered by the Community Facilities Capital and District Wide Grants Panel. The panel welcomes applications from groups which benefit the community in more than one committee area in North Herts.

To find out more visit our District Wide Community Grant web page.  

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