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Update on The Lord Lister Hotel planning application

The date any application is to be considered by the Planning Committee is only confirmed on the day the reports are published. This is because we work on applications right up to the deadline for the committee and only submit them if they are finalised and ready to be reported. As such, there is no confirmed date yet for when The Lord Lister Hotel application will be taken to the Planning Committee meeting.

We are fully aware of residents’ concerns and would like to assure them that The Lord Lister Hotel report is being actively worked on and will go to Planning Committee as soon as it is ready. The online portal has been extended until the 30th April. Now, and after that date, people can continue to send their views via email and post using the details below:

Anyone wishing to speak at the planning committee can also do so. They just need to contact our Committee Services team (via our switchboard 01462 474000) to register once the agenda for the meeting is released, which is normally published a week in advance of the meeting.

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