Drinking water quality is primarily the responsibility of the water company supplying the water.
Mains water supply
In North Hertfordshire, Affinity Water is the company that supplies mains water to the district. Their latest report on drinking water quality in North Herfordshire is attached below.
Water companies are regulated by the Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI), which publishes reports on drinking water quality across the country. Read the latest reports on the DWI website.
Private water supplies
A small number of properties, generally in more remote, rural parts of the district, are not connected to the mains supply and rely on private supplies, usually from a well or borehole.
We have specific duties to monitor these supplies in order to protect public health. We charge for some of these services – see the fees and charges page for more information.
The DWI publishes reports on the quality and regulation of private water supplies. You can read the latest report on the DWI website.
If you have a query about private water supplies, please contact us.
River water and groundwater
The quality of river water and groundwater is the responsibility of the Environment Agency.