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Procurement terms and conditions

These are the standard terms and conditions relating to all purchase orders placed by North Herts Council.

Where a contract exists, the contract terms and conditions may override the standard terms and conditions.

Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act (2000) applies to all procurement and procurement related information. This Act works on a presumption of a right to access all recorded information held by a public authority. Information will not be released if any of the following apply:

  • the information was provided in confidence (section 41 of the Act)
  • the information is a trade secret (section 43 (1) of the Act)
  • the disclosure of the information would prejudice the commercial interest of any person – including the council (section 43 (2) of the Act)

When participating in a procurement exercise, both suppliers and buyers will have the opportunity to identify information which falls under the situations described above. The council will consult with suppliers when a public request for information is received that may affect one or more of its suppliers.

To find out further information on what can be requested and how to request it, please refer to our Freedom of Information page.