Licensable activities and how to apply for a premises, personal, club or temporary event licence
Including applying for a taxi licence, using a taxi and private hire operators
Including the Gambling Act 2005 and lotteries
Including policy, pet shop, riding establishment and zoo licences
Includes requirements, legislation summary and application process
Have your say on our licensing policies
Including Site Licence and Collector's Licence application information and forms
Available to apply online
Application processes and fees
Temporary licence to assist businesses with their recovery
General overview and application forms
List of public registers held by the council
Applications procedure
Summary and application process
Policy and application information
Regulation summary, application process and fees
Including licence summary and application process
Including licence summary, eligibility criteria and regulation
Process, fees and form to apply for a film to be classified
New legal checks for caravan site owners
Details of all fees for grants and renewals