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Monitoring reports

We monitor a number of different indicators and targets across the district to aid with future planning decisions and identification of local priorities.

This information provides a useful evidence base on which to review policies based on their level of success.

Authority Monitoring Report

The Authority Monitoring Report (AMR) reports on a number of things, including:

  • contextual and core output indicators - including business development, housing, transport, local services, flood protection, biodiversity, renewable energy and gypsies and travellers
  • the performance of policies in the adopted Local Plan
  • whether we are still on track with regard to the Local Development Scheme
  • deficiencies in the scope of current monitoring and how it will be improved in the future.

The AMR is produced by the Strategic Planning Team. Our most recent AMR can be found below. The AMRs that have been produced since the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 are available on request.

Housing Delivery Test Action Plan

The Housing Delivery Test (HDT) is a requirement of national policy. The Council has recalculated its HDT result following adoption of the New Local Plan and is not required to take any action.

Five-Year Housing Land Supply Position Statement

We have updated our Five-Year Housing Land Supply as of 31 March 2024.