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Parish councils and meetings

Parish councils

Parish councils tend to look after local facilities like village halls, churchyards and allotments. They will also comment on planning applications affecting the parish.

All parish councils must hold an annual public meeting where residents can question them.

You can find details on parish councils though the individual parish council pages on this website.

To find your local parish councillors, please contact the appropriate parish clerk or download the council's Register of Members' Interests.

Parish meetings

Smaller parishes have a parish meeting instead of a council. A parish meeting is a legally recognised form of local government for very small parishes.

A parish meeting elects a chairman and a clerk. They are legally responsible for all decisions by the parish meeting.

Registers of Members' Interests

All members of town and parish councils are required by law to complete a declaration of interest form to register their declarable pecuniary interests (DPIs).

These include details of the town or parish councillor’s and their spouse or partner's:

  • employment, office, trade, profession or vocation
  • other financial benefits
  • contracts with their council
  • land within their council area
  • one month or more licence within their council area
  • corporate tenancies and interests in land within their council area
  • securities with a place of business or land within their council area

A full description of the DPIs are set out in ‘The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 No.1464’ which you can find on the Legislation website.

Copies of town and parish councillors' Register of Interest forms are available on the individual parish council pages or on request from the Monitoring Officer (email